As you know, we created DTES Response to mobilize resources and coordinate efforts to immediately respond to this crisis, and protect our most vulnerable.
This unprecedented threat MUST NOT disproportionately affect the most vulnerable in our communities.
We knew we had to do something, so we launched our DTES Response fundraising campaign with an ambitious goal to raise $100,000.
We’re happy to announce: because of YOU we just surpassed that amount!
But we can’t stop here. The more we receive, the more we can give to those who need it most.
There are 15,000 people at risk in the DTES which include 3,000 unhoused and 4,700 high risk in privately run SRO’s. They need more resources!
As a committed supporter, we’re asking you to share this with 5 contacts to help us get more resources to the DTES. Gifts will go to groups working on the frontlines, and help coordinate efforts to provide food, cellphones, and money for loss of income.
Together we’re addressing the massive gaps in support for the Downtown Eastside.
We need all hands on deck to act quickly to protect the health and lives of DTES residents. Please help us to continue to build the momentum, and bring attention and resources to the neighbourhood. Thank you!
Your donations are going towards:
DTES SRO Collaboration, Western Aboriginal Harm Reduction Society, Friends of Carnegie Community Action Project, Overdose Prevention Society, Aboriginal Front Door, Muslim Care Centre, and Pace Society.
This list will continue to grow with your support ❤︎
DTES SRO Collaborative Aboriginal Front Door Friends of CCAP