What We Fund

Community Projects As the social effects of COVID-19 continue in the DTES, our team has also helped to launch and fund projects to address gaps. The community projects we have helped fund are: COMMUNITY HUBS Everybody Is In There is a huge need in the DTES and in fact, across Vancouver, to coordinate small to […]

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Who We Fund

Community Grants Team DTES Response sprang into action coordinating with different frontline groups to find out about their specific needs. We knew we had to get resources to the neighbourhood ASAP. The donations we are collecting go towards food, hygiene items, stipends for loss of income, and other needs that arise. DTES SRO Collaborative They […]

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Reaching Past $100,000

As you know, we created DTES Response to mobilize resources and coordinate efforts to immediately respond to this crisis, and protect our most vulnerable.  This unprecedented threat MUST NOT disproportionately affect the most vulnerable in our communities. We knew we had to do something, so we launched our DTES Response fundraising campaign with an ambitious goal to […]

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